Saturday, 10 September 2016
Next we need to understand the challenge of the course:
„How can we prototype an intercultural home for migrants and locals in Berlin?“
We had to talk with experts for Co-housing, with people from the street to catch the “Spirit
of Berlin”. Therefore, we started the day with Field Research at Spreeacker, Wilhelmine-
Gemberg-Weg 12, 10179 Berlin-Mitte.
Michael LaFond, architect and expert for Cohousing, first gave us a lecture about the Cohousing
project “Spreeacker” and about sustainability before he showed us several other places of Co-
housing projects and urban gardening in Kreuzberg. Having this insight view, we understood the
complexity of our own challenge “How can we design a cross cultural home for migrants, students
and locals in Berlin which is social and ecological?”
After lunch in Prinzessinengärten at Moritzplatz in Kreuzberg, we collected our observations.
We continued with street interviews asking, “How do you want to live in 20 years?” and with
photo circuits in small groups at different places in Berlin. These tasks informed us about
the spirit of this town, new trends and the desires of people from different countries who
are either living here or came as tourists. At 6.00 p.m., we met for the “Cross Cultural
Cooking” at HTW Berlin. |